398 research outputs found

    Komparasi Algoritma K-Means dan K-Medoids Untuk Pengelompokkan Penyebaran Covid-19 di Indonesia

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    COVID-19 merupakan bagian dari keluarga virus penyebab Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) dan Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), beberapa gejala yang dialami apabila terinfeksi virus ini antara lain batuk, demam, letih, sesak nafas, dan mengalami penurunan nafsu makan. Pada Penelitian ini data yang digunakan tahun 2019 - Februari 2021 yang bersumber pada website resmi www.covid19.go.id. Dalam upaya menemukan daerah yang memiliki kasus penyakit Covid-19 dapat menggunakan Data Mining. Negara indonesia merupakan salah satu dari negara di dunia yang cukup tinggi terkena virus covid-19. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengelompokan provinsi yang memiliki penyakit covid-19 dengan tingkat tinggi dan rendah di indonesia dan melakukan perbandingan dengan metode algoritma yang digunakan yaitu K-Means dan K-Medoids. hasil yang didapatkan pada penelitian ini adalah memiliki cluster optimal sebanyak 2 cluster, dengan menggunakan algoritma K-Means dimana cluster 1 beranggotakan 2 wilayah dan dikategorikan tinggi, sedangkan untuk cluster 2 sebanyak 32 wilayah dan dikategorikan rendah. Sedangkan menggunakan algoritma K-Medoids yaitu untuk cluster 1 beranggotakan 4 wilayah dan dikategorikan tinggi, sedangkan untuk cluster 2 sebanyak 30 wilayah dan dikategorikan rendah. Dari kedua perbandingan tersebut menghasilkan nilai Silhouette Coefficient dengan metode K-Means adalah sebesar 0,207. Sedangkan Nilai Silhouette Coefficient dengan metode K-Medoids adalah sebesar 0,347

    Android-Based Claim System for Electricity Network Customers of PLN Padang Branch

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    The Padang branch of the State Electricity Company (PLN) is a BUMN responsible for the electricity aspect. Complaints about various electricity problems are difficult for customers, so it is necessary to have a system that can be used as a place for protests and increase PLN's loyalty to customers. The Android-based Claim System is a new application developed to be used by customers as a forum for complaints about electrical problems to the Padang branch of PLN. The Claim System is made into two parts: a Website-based System for PLN and an Android-based Claim Application for customers. Application development using the OOP concept uses UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagrams with the PHP MySql and Android programming languages. The test results were carried out using black box testing with the relevant results. The data of 35 respondents from the assessment questionnaire on the claims system obtained results with an Excellent rating of 78%, a Good rating of 21%, and a Bad rating of 2%. From the analysis results, the Claim System supported by this Android-based Client application can help customers complain about electrical problems quickly and easily.The Padang branch of the State Electricity Company (PLN) is a BUMN responsible for the electricity aspect. Complaints about various electricity problems are difficult for customers, so it is necessary to have a system that can be used as a place for protests and increase PLN's loyalty to customers. The Android-based Claim System is a new application developed to be used by customers as a forum for complaints about electrical problems to the Padang branch of PLN. The Claim System is made into two parts: a Website-based System for PLN and an Android-based Claim Application for customers. Application development using the OOP concept uses UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagrams with the PHP MySql and Android programming languages. The test results were carried out using black box testing with the relevant results. The data of 35 respondents from the assessment questionnaire on the claims system obtained results with an Excellent rating of 78%, a Good rating of 21%, and a Bad rating of 2%. From the analysis results, the Claim System supported by this Android-based Client application can help customers complain about electrical problems quickly and easily

    Pendampingan Pembuatan Legalitas Usaha Skala Kecil dan Menengah Di Desa Malangsari Kecamatan Pedes

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    Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are one way to support the village economy. The legality of a business is important. Legality can be used in order to facilitate capital in the development of a business. Many micros, small and medium enterprises in the village do not yet have a business identification number (NIB) because most of them still think about running their business activities first. Business development owned by the community only relies on the rest of the results of personal efforts to develop their business. This community service activity in Malangsari Village, Pedes Subdistrict, aims to change the mindset of the business community, whether incorporated or not in MSMEs on the importance of business legality. Business actors also gain knowledge of procedures for registering business legality, and business actors as a community become aware of the law in business. Micro, small, and medium enterprises with legal entities can develop well because they have legal protection in accordance with valid laws and regulations. The service is carried out by the community service team at Singaperbangsa Karawang University (UNSIKA). The activity uses the methods of education, socialization, and mentoring with a good lecture approach to village communities. The target of community service activities is both those who have businesses that are incorporated in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and those who are not, as well as people who are just starting a business. The result of this service is that seminars and mentoring activities in making NIB run smoothly according to their goals, even though there are few obstacles on the device and internet network.

    Optimalisasi Mosque Share di Era Pandemi Covid-19

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    Since the Covid-19 pandemic hit the world in 2019, the stability of social life and the economy of the community began to be disrupted. One of the efforts that can be done to survive as well as normalize people's lives is to optimize the function and role of the mosque in providing important needs for the surrounding community. Based on observations in the field, there are several important things with the needs of the community in this era of the covid-19 pandemic, namely the need for clothing, food, shelter, and needs in the form of internet access for education. As a solution to these problems, community service activities in this pandemic era are optimizing mosques in the form of Baitul Mal formation activities and sharing free internet access for the community. With the establishment of the Baitul Mal, it is hoped that it can help the community's difficulties regarding the needs of cheap and affordable clothing, food, and housing using Community Burden Collaboration, namely collaborating on a burden that can be shared. While Mosque Shared is meant to provide free internet access for learning facilities. Mosque Shared is a mosque program that is believed to have a positive impact on the community because, in this digital era, internet services are a necessity for all parties. The two programs carried out showed a positive response from the community and even hoped that these programs should be developed because they could be a model for mosques in other areas

    Analisis Sentimen Tempat Wisata Di Jakarta Pasca Covid -19 Dengan Algoritma Naïve Bayes

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    Pariwisata merupakan sektor yang menjadi imbas dari kebijakan PPKM, karena mengalami penurunan pengunjung. Hal tersebut menjadikan banyak pariwisata yang mengalami kerugian yang besar. Penurunan pengunjung menyebabkan tempat wisata harus memikirkan cara untuk mengembalikan pengunjung seperti saat sebelum pandemi covid - 19 agar tidak mengakibatkan kerugian yang sangat besar. Oleh karena itu dilakukannya penelitian menggunakan media sosial Twitter untuk mencari sebuah opini atau tanggapan dari pengunjung tempat wisata di jakarta pasca covid — 19 yaitu Dufan dan TMII yang merupakan tempat paling sering dikunjungi pada 2020. Analisis sentimen  digunakan untuk mengolah opini tersebut dengan menggunakan algoritma Naïve bayes Classifier dan Metodologi KDD (Knowledge Discovery in Database) dengan tahapan yaitu data selection, Pre Processing, transformation data, data mining dan evaluation.  Data yang digunakan berjumlah 9729 yang diambil dari Twitter dengan keyword dufan dan tmii. Penelitian ini menggunakan transformasi Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) dengan melakukan pengujian menggunkan pembagian empat model yaitu 90:10, 80:20, 70:30, dan 60:40. Model 90:10 mempunyai nilai skor akurasi tertinggi yaitu 65%, precision 53%, Recall 51% dan F-Measure 50%. Sedangkan pengujian performa model dengan menggunakan nilai AUC menghasilkan nilai 0.71

    Identifikasi Varietas Jagung Mutiara Berdasarkan Data Citra Digital Menggunakan Algoritma K-Nearest Neighbor

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    Jagung adalah salah satu tanaman pangan penghasil karbohidrat yang penting di Indonesia selain padi dan gandum. Di Indonesia sendiri setiap tahun dapat menghasilkan jumlah jagung yang sangat banyak. Terbukti pada tahun 2017 indonesia dapat memproduksi jagung sebanyak 22.59 juta ton. Jumlah ini sangat berarti bagi perekonomian di Indonesia. Salah satu jagung yang paling banyak ditanam di Indonesia adalah jagung mutiara. Namun, cukup sulit untuk membedakan setiap viarietas jagung karena bentuk dan warna cenderung sama. Salah satu untuk mengetahui suatu varietas jagung, ialah dengan melakukan klasifikasi varietas jagung dengan memanfaatkan data hasil pengolahan citra setiap jagung. Salah satu metode klasifikasi yang digunakan ialah K-NN. Setiap citra jagung diambil nilai area, parimeter, width, length, metric dan eccentricity menggunakan aplikasi Matlab guna mengetahui bentuk dari suatu jagung, lalu dikumpulkan sebanyak 250 data. Data yang telah dikumpulkan dibagi berdasarkan rasio perbandingan 70% data latih 30% data uji dan menerapkan nilai k yaitu 3, 5 dan 7. Proses klasifikasi menggunakan aplikasi Rstudio berbasis cloud. Hasil penelitian yang didapat, diketahui bahwa pengujian pada k = 3 mendapatkan nilai akurasi tertiggi dibandingkan nilai k yang lain. Akurasi yang didapat yakni sebesar 93.24% diikuti recall 91.89% precision 94.44% specificity 94.59% error rate 6.76% dan f-measure 0.9315.Kata Kunci: Jagung, K-Nearest Neighbor, Pengolahan Citra Digital, Ekstrasi Ciri, Rstudi

    Comparison of Steganography Using the Discrete Cosine Transform Method on Image Based Bilinear, Nearest Neighbor and Spline Interpolation

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    The research was conducted in the field of steganography. Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) is a method used in the insertion technique. The results of steganography have problems if they look blurry, have low levels of similarity and high error values. One way to solve this problem is by proposing image interpolation. The interpolation method consists of various kinds and gives each other advantages. This study intends to compare three kinds of interpolation techniques to find the best one. The three interpolation techniques are bilinear, nearest neighbor, and spline. The method used in this research is experimental. Images with extension formats * .tif, * .png, and * .bmp with dimensions of 512x512 px are interpolated by scaling 1.5, 2, and 4. The results of the interpolation process are used to insert messages in * .txt format of 157 bytes with discrete cosines transform (DCT). The image quality of the message insertion is measured by the MSE and PSNR values. The result of the message insertion test shows that the value of the image quality is directly proportional, meaning that if the condition of the message size is fixed and the cover dimensions are greater, the MSE value will be smaller and the PSNR value will be greater. Images with * .tif and * .bmp extension formats have good stability, * .png images vary in size. The smallest error value test results were obtained in the spline interpolation technique and this method when compared to the other two techniques had the lowest average MSE value of 8.221 and the PSNR value of 40,301 dB

    Kajian Metode Economic Order Quantity dan Reorder Point pada Aplikasi Point Of Sale

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    Inventory control can be said to increase the speed of work to achieve the level of energy efficiency and time in data management. Sales that have the transaction data still handwritten resulted in long enough time in recording the data, as well as the absence of determination of inventory and determining when the ordering of goods returned. Point of Sale Study with Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) and Reorder Point (RoP) Method will be used to overcome the problem, management of transaction data in which there are methods of calculating order quantity and reorder time can minimize operational cost and optimize inventory. The EOQ method is used as a stock inventory controller and the RoP method is used for warning notification to avoid negligence. Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that Point of Sale Application with Economic Order Quantity and Reorder Point Method 90% accepted and able to overcome the problems that exist in Faranita Foam Store

    Perpaduan Interpolasi Bilinear dan Least Significant Bit pada Citra Digital dalam Teknik Steganografi

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    Penelitian ini bergerak di bidang steganografi dengan kombinasi proses awal pada citra cover. Pengaruh ketika suatu cover image diselipi pesan berupa file diantaranya berubahnya kapasitas dan ciri secara fisik lainnya dari cover image tersebut sehingga secara interceptibility terlihat, hal ini mengakibatkan tujuan dari steganografi tidak tercapai. Penelitian ini mengajukan metode preparation proses yang digunakan untuk mengolah cover image yaitu dengan interpolasi bilinear sebagai cara pembesaran. Setelah cover image diproses pembesaran baru proses steganografi dimulai dengan least significant bit. Kontribusi yang diberikan pada penelitian ini dengan hasil tingkat kemiripan stegoimage dibanding dengan original image sangat besar. Hasil penelitian memiliki tingkat akurasi PSNR senilai 59,09 db dan MSE senilai 0.17 db. Artinya proses steganografi dengan metode LSB dan interpolasi bilinear sebagai basis dari citranya dan mendapatkan tingkat PSNR yang baik
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